About Hamid Reza Dadgostar

Senior Psychologist

Hamid is the senior psychologist of the practice, is a registered Psychologist with Masters Degree. Hamid has been running a successful practice in the Sydney CBD for almost 20 years. Hamid provides psychological services in three languages – English, French, Persian (Farsi).

Hamid is registered with the Department of Health for public safety and is also accredited by Medicare Australia. He is also a registered supervisor and trainer of Intern psychologists. Hamid registered for work cover authorities and victim of road accident authorities.

Hamid promotes mental health in rural communities across Australia, and has a key interest in the immigrant population, in particular international students. All the while supporting activities in the promotion of suicide prevention on many different levels.

Hamid is an avid motorcycle rider and can be seen traversing Australia, seeking out adventures.

About Rhonda Debney

Registered psychologist

Rhonda is a registered psychologist with Masters degree. She is accredited by Medicare Australia, and is an associate member of the Australian Psychological Society (MAPS).

Furthermore, Rhonda has past experience as a Neurological Teacher Consultant in Psychiatric Disabilities and is a strong advocate for disadvantaged communities on many platforms.


About Mercy Chen

Provisional psychologist

Dr. Mercy is a Provisional psychologist and Chinese international students liaison and media adviser  at University of NSW.Dr mercy is a phd from University of NSW. She has an Honours degree in psychology from the Peoples Republic of China (PRC).

She is actively engaged to address all issues concerning Chinese international students within the Australian Chinese community. Mercy advocates for this vulnerable population as they have an extra layer of stress being a student and also a non-native English speaking international student from a greatly different culture. These students can suffer from profound isolation leading to devastating consequences if not approached early enough, with conditions such as severe anxiety, depression and possible self-harm and suicide.

Mercy is heavily involved in reducing such bad outcomes by engaging local Chinese media and community.Dr mercy chen is in process of full registration of psychologist.She is a proud mother of a young child.

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