ADHD Treatment, Counselling, Psychotherapy

Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD) is recognised as a mental health condition which can cause inattentiveness and/or hyperactive impulsivity and can often result in impaired social and academic functioning. ADHD is often first noticed in children when they fail to learn at school. ADHD affects approximately 7% of the population and approximately 2 to 4 times more girls. What causes ADHD is not clear but genetic, environmental, neurobiological, and demographic factors have all been identified as possible contributors.

At HD Psychology we work with clients with ADHD to improve time management and organisational skills, set goals, in completing projects, and to develop strategies to deal with specific challenges. In doing so, it is important to determine and use individual strengths, while understanding reasonable expectations through developing accurate self-awareness.

Those with ADHD often do not achieve the same academic and career outcomes as the general population. The proportion of children initially diagnosed with ADHD symptoms drops by 50% over three years regardless of the type of treatment used. Similar results were also found when no treatment is provided. ADHD persists into adulthood in about 30% to 50% of cases. Those affected are likely to develop coping mechanisms as they mature, thus compensating for their previous symptoms.

Behavioural symptoms often include:

  • being exclusively active (such as constant fidgeting)
  • impulsivity (such as intarupting others 
  • inattentiveness 
  • non-compliance

Managing ADHD symptoms usually involves some combination of medication, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Lifestyle changes. Accurate diagnosis is complex and specialist assessments are needed to determine if a child has ADHD, and for that matter if an adult has ADHD. 

Medication is only recommended for severe symptoms and for those with moderate symptoms who do not respond to psychotherapeutic alternatives.

ADHD treatment focuses on how the disorder affects behaviour and learning how to improve these behaviours. This involves assessing how a child’s behaviour impacts on the family and on interactions and learning at school. A plan is then developed to assist parents and teachers to manage and modify the child’s behaviour in positive ways.

If you believe that you suffer from the above symptoms, we can provide a detailed assessment and recommendations.

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